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Of the many global education providers, the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is considered the largest body offering educational programs and certifications all over the world. The key elements that make the core of the Cambridge education are: international curriculum, wide and flexible syllabus, and recognition by universities and employers worldwide.

The CIE offers educational programs for 5-19 year olds that are divided into four stages: Cambridge Primary Checkpoint, Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint, Cambridge Upper Secondary Checkpoint (IGCSE) and Cambridge Advanced (A Level).

Cambridge Checkpoint is an intermediary stage for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) students in which they build on their understanding and skills in English, Science and Mathematics. This sets an excellent preparatory ground for them to take on higher Cambridge qualification including the IGCSE. The tests are designed with international learners in mind so as to suit students of all cultural and language backgrounds. The tests are assessed by CIE that provides schools with an international yardstick to gauge student performance.

We will now take you through key aspects that you may like to know about Cambridge Checkpoint.

1. Cambridge Checkpoint is a series of structured and comprehensive course books in English, Mathematics and Science. Every course book comes with a work/practice book and tutor’s resource CD-ROM.

2. Checkpoint is not a formal qualification with a certificate, although students get a Statement of Achievement.

3. The two Checkpoint assessments offered by the CIE - Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Lower Secondary program help the students acquire knowledge and skills they need to excel at school, university and beyond.

4. The Cambridge Primary Checkpoint meant for 5-11 year olds is an assessment service for use in the final year of primary education. It covers English, English as a Second Language, Mathematics and Science.

5. The Cambridge Primary Checkpoint test results give detailed feedback that helps learners get more clarity about their strengths and weaknesses in the main subjects. Teachers and schools can put this information to good use to help learners achieve better results in the future.

6. Each learner receives two documents:

A Statement of Achievement which gives the learner’s overall results.A report which provides additional facets on the learner’s performance.

7. Cambridge Primary Checkpoint is fully marked by CIE. Results are given as Cambridge Primary Checkpoint scores. These scores are between 0.0 and 6.0, ranging from the weakest performance to the best performance. This aids teachers identify any specific difficulties the student might have with a topic.

8. Cambridge Primary Checkpoint offers a good opening to Cambridge Lower Secondary as it follows the same system, subject areas, curriculum structure and assessments.

9. The Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint is meant for 11-14 year olds. It provides a natural progression for students to seamlessly move from the primary stage through to university entrance.

10. The Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint builds on the knowledge and skills that facilitates smooth transition of students who will go on to study Cambridge IGCSE/international GCSE. It is a crucial assessment service that has proven to be valuable for educational institutions. Through this Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint, schools offer standardized tests that give feedback on a student’s strengths and weaknesses. While the schools can measure student standards in main curriculum areas over time, students get an idea about the areas to concentrate on at the end of the Cambridge Lower Secondary.

To learn more about how sitting for Cambridge Checkpoint tests could assist you in pursuing higher education, it is recommended that you make use of the personalized learning approach of tutors at Raena Learning.

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